Monday, October 31, 2011


Our 17-year-old son Owen was just accepted at the New England School of Communication. Here, he will continue his dream of becoming a Filmmaker, a dream that started with LEGO animation at least ten years ago. I fondly remember the QUEEN concert he created, with stage, fans, a favorite (although more obcure) Queen song, and Freddy Mercury.

Portland Arts and Technology High School has set the groundwork for success. That, combined with summers at the New England Film Academy, has given Owen the experience and confidence he needs to follow his dream and make his own luck. Things haven't always come easy to him. In fact, quite the opposite.

There's a book out there called LOOK ME IN THE EYE about a grown man with Aspergers Syndrome who engineered the special effects for KISS concerts back in the 70s. Owen's Aspergers is more mild, but the effort he needs to apply to certain social situations (i.e. reading body language, figurative vs. literal, dealing with confrontations, etc.) is just as real. Throw in his parents' divorce at age eight, depression, serious bullying and thoughts of suicide, and the young man we see now has emerged so much stronger, confident, and self-reliant. Our pride is obvious, our faith in him unwavering - just like all our kids.

We love all five kids, very much so, but today is Owen's day to shine.

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